dimanche 6 novembre 2011

Mail Day =]

I know it's not Monday and I also know that there wasn't a Thursday's Music this week but things are changing in my life so the days I post on this blog are going to change as well.
New life, new schedule, new organization. As I don't know if I'll find the time tomorrow to post what was in my mailbox, I am doing it today so that you don't miss it.

So, what did I find in my mailbox this week?

2 nice postcards: one is from Romania (I got it from a swap on P&L Forum) and the other is from Texas, from a penpal of mine :) 

And those are the stamps on the US postcard, very lovely :)

I also found 5 amazing letters from: Denmark, Germany, Spain, Italy and Croatia. 

And some mail went out to various destinations. You can see 2 envelopes with a decotape style #tryingoutnewthings. 

See you soon :)

9 commentaires:

  1. WOWSERS! :D Lots of beautiful envelopes. <3

  2. I really like your envelopes decorated with deco tapes, they always add a colorful touch :) I like to decorate mine too.

    I love the Calvin & Hobbes' stamp haha..

  3. Awww, nice to see my postcard here. :) Yes, they have cool stamps here - I like them a lot and they make the envies so much more beautiful. Thanks for the 2 on ur letter, I really really like em too :) Reply will follow ASAP. xx

  4. Yay! ^^ J'ai reçu ta lettre aujourd'hui =) Je te répondrai le plus tôt possible =)

  5. Hey Oli! I have a question. How did you erase the addresses in those pictures? What program did you use?

  6. It's a program called Photofiltre, it's like a very small Photoshop, I use it when I have only small details to change on the pictures ;)

  7. ta chouchoute brésilienne11 novembre 2011 à 11:40

    Can I borrow your received letters just to pretend i've got some??
