Here are some pictures of what was in the mail last week and also some letters that I sent out...
I received a very nice postcard from a dear friend of mine who was traveling in Asia.
And those are the stamps on the back of the postcard: very beautiful.
This is Part 1 of the letters I received. They are coming from: Ireland, USA, Costa Rica, The Netherlands, Croatia and Finland...
...and here comes Part 2, letters that reached my mailbox on Saturday. This is what can be called a Happy Mail Day. Letters are from: USA (2 of them), Ireland, Taiwan and Spain.
Those are letters that I sent to Germany and to the USA :)
And those are the stamps I used on some of the letters I sent out last week!
That should keep me busy for the next coming days. I will try and answer all of your fantastic letters this week. Starting from next week, I'll be more busy again so let's hope I manage to answer all those letters very soon... But apparently, some more letters are on their way to my mailbox so there should be a lot more Happy Mail Days to come =]